Democrats and MSU Football
Well, I started out blogging thinking I would be a regular contributor...It turns out that I was wrong. I was hoping that I would be able to post regularly in order to gather a regular following - seems that hasn't happened. But, here I am again, at 9:37 PM on a Wednesday night, typing away on my blog. It's not that I don't enjoy blogging--I do, but life just seems to throw everything at a person. But, I'm back again.
It's official - the Reign of the Republicans is over. Democrats have won a majority in the House, and it appears the Senate is on the verge of teeter-tottering to the Democrats also. Only Virginia - and George Allen - stand in their way. I'm sorry to have to admit it, but I think Jim Webb has won the Senate seat in Virginia...just go ahead and concede, Georgy-Porgy.
Well, I guess the question on every Republican - and especially the Conservative's - mind is: "What do we do to win them back?" Well, I have to say, Republicans, we've asked for it. I believe that basically every citizen, no matter be they Republican or Democrat, is really fiscally and socially conservative at heart. When you really get down to brass tacks, they are. Just look at all the referendums banning gay marriage that passed this time -- seven of them! The only one that didn't was Arizona, and I'm willing to bet my lunch money that the reason it didn't win there was because of all the [illegal] aliens that were "inadvertently" allowed to vote. C'mon, Republicans, you've let down your constituency.
Reason Number One: Iraq. There was supposed to be a grand "exit strategy" for Iraq. Don't get me wrong--I fully support ALL our soldiers that went and fought and died over there. However, the politicians didn't have a well-conceived plan for winning. But, let this be said now, I KNOW the Democrats do NOT have a better plan, or else they would have told us last night when Nancy "Nanny" Paleosi (as Michael Savage affectionately calls her) announced her victory as the new Speaker of the House. Okay Democrats, you've been preaching "We can do it better!" for 3-1/2 years now, so go ahead and show us your secret, wonderful plan.
Reason Number Two: Illegal Immigration. No matter how much I like President Bush, I must say I am disappointed in him and his administration regarding this topic. For six years we have been hearing that he was going to tighten up border security...Yet now, the only progress we've seen has been by the Minutemen (volunteers!) and a new hundred National Guardsmen helping the Border Patrol. And again, the politicians that voted for the fence voted against financing it! Will we ever see our representatives in Government get serious about this issue?
Finally, Reason Number Three: Mark Foley. Man, oh man...I shouldn't even get started here. This is the one that I think really hurt. What was this guy thinking?? Scratch that...Obviously, he doesn't know how to think. He basically tarnished the whole conservative base by his actions. And then went on to blame it on a priest! Go ahead, bring religion into it! Sure, there are corrupt clergymen out there, and they need to be found out and stopped. But it seems like every time we turn around, some pervert is blaming their problems on someone else! When will people take responsibility for their own actions?? Oh well, I went there..
In conclusion, I truly believe the Republican party MUST go back to their core values...Being fiscally responsible, stand on the moral high ground, and REMEMBER WHAT YOU WERE ELECTED FOR! It will get a lot worse before it gets better, folks...But for now, all we can do is let the Democrats proverbially hang themselves by their on tongues...As they let the Republicans do this time. What's the old saying? "Better to let people think you're a fool, than to open your mouth and prove them right".
Well, I guess I'll get off my soapbox now...Good night, everyone...
OH!!! Before I forget - GO MISSISSIPPI STATE BULLDOGS! They won over the Alabama Crimson Tide 24-16, and let me tell you that is a HUGE WIN! YEAH!!
G'night everyone, and God bless!
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posted by MStateDawg @ 11/08/2006 10:02:00 PM | 0 Comments |
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